2. Together is Better
Handbooks for Teaching Literacy with Integrated Units
Each of the three 100+ page handbooks for opinion/argument, informative/explanatory, and narrative writing propose that reading, writing, language skills, and even speaking skills are taught in context with the learning of content and literature. Therefore, instructional strategies for close reading, note-taking, and vocabulary development are included in each handbook, along with detailed lessons for teaching that writing type.
Differentiated instruction: now included in each handbook are specific lesson plans for Special Ed, English Learners and GATE or Extend students which parallel the suggestions throughout the handbook, but support or challenge, as appropriate, the needs of those students.
Plus, Teacher and Student Tools
After 4 years of helping teachers and students adopting the Common Core, we have developed and posted numerous posters and student tools for student-friendly learning in English Language Arts.
There are field-tested writing prompts and updated rubrics which are designed to align with the Smarter Balanced Writing Performance Tasks.