Charlotte Knox has spent the past seventeen years writing and organizing long-term professional development projects for school districts and publishers nationally. In recent years she has focused on developing units for teaching the three Common Core writing text types. She has worked with Dennis Parker since 2000 developing tools for implementation of his Strategic Schooling model. She built a comprehensive website in 2011 which houses a plethora of standards-based tools and curricula for easy access for her schools.
Additional projects include:
Talking Walls: Building Classroom Environments to Support Student Achievement, co-authored with Michelle Karns
Information Please, an ELD strategies handbook and Advanced AB466 training institute
Backwards Planning for Success with Writing, a comprehensive toolkit and training course for implementation of a school-wide writing campaign
RISE, an 8 week English language development course for Rigby Education.
Prior to consulting Charlotte was a teacher and staff developer for the Oakland Unified School District. Her areas of expertise include literacy, assessment, English language development, and classroom management.
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Dennis Parker retired in 2000 from the California Department of
Education after 20 years of service and in 2001 from UCLA after
after almost 6 years as a faculty member of UCLA’s School
Management Program (SMP). He now consults independently under the
auspices of Best Practices in Education.
He brings a broad range of field experiences as a high school and
college teacher, elementary resource teacher, district bilingual
program director, and pre-school principal. He has consulted for
schools and districts all over the US.
In addition, he holds credentials for teaching, administration,
and bilingual-crosscultural education as well as a Master’s
degree in Applied Linguistics and graduate work in Multicultural
For 20 years, he served as both consultant and administrator at
the California Department of Education. There he worked on
initiatives related to bilingual education, the School
Improvement Program, Reading / Language Arts, school coaching,
Title I, and programs related to low-performing schools.
Since 2000, he has worked in California and other states to
successfully translate his Strategic Schooling theory and
research into dramatic academic gains for the most struggling
students, teachers, schools, and districts.
Sergio Alejandro Garcia is the current Principal at Artesia High
School in Lakewood, California, part of the ABC Unified School
District (ABCUSD). Sergio also consults with Dennis Parker and
Knox Education to support implementation of Strategic Schooling
in several California districts. He has worked at Artesia
for over 5 years during which he has instituted many programs
including Strategic Schooling, No Fail Math, and Standards Based
Education. He has used Established Targets, Research Based
Instruction, and data to improve Artesia’s API Score by 164
points in 6 years. Mr. Garcia has led the transformation of
Artesia from being ranked 2 in the state to 4. Among
similar schools in California, Artesia is now ranked 10 compared
to a 2 six years ago. The California High School Exit Exam
(CAHSEE) passing rate also went from 74% to 94% with attendance
jumping to 97%. Mr. Garcia’s experience includes District
Master Teacher, District Program Facilitator, High School
Assistant Principal, Middle School Principal, and High School
Over the past 20 years, Karns Consulting has facilitated
successful change processes with middle school and elementary
staffs resulting in improved achievement, increased attendance,
and better student satisfaction.
Data mirrors effort and need to be respected and utilized as an
integral part of decision-making to create instructional targets.